(message "You have already installed a version greater or equal 2.2!\n")
(exit (quiet))
(set DrawerNameParent "DC:")
(set DrawerName "DC:")
(if (= version 201)
(complete 50)
(prompt "Updating necessary files in \"" DrawerName "\".")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "UpdateFromV2.1")
(dest DrawerName)
(message "You need an installed version 2.1 of Diamond Caves to use this update.\nGet the full archive called DiamondCaves2_2.lha from AmiNet/game/misc instead.")
(complete 100)
(message "\nDiamond Caves update complete.\n\nIf you want to reconfigure Diamond Caves, please use the program DiamondPrefs V1.3.\n\nAnd now enjoy Diamond Caves V2.2!")